Thursday, May 28, 2009

Portuguese Night?: Women's Night Part 2

Hard to believe but the second annual women's night convened two weeks ago (maybe it was three weeks ago). Each participant brought a bottle to two bottles of wine; so as far as inebriants were concerned, we were set. Was it an authentically Portuguese nosh, not so much. I mean who really wants to eat salt cod and potato stew? So we interpolated Portuguese to mean Mediterranean:

Cheese with various fruit spreads and cakes and marinated veg.

Lovely scallops, thanks to the lovely Hanna ( you may remember her as as the brownie guest blogger).

And much bread. Every participant brought a loaf of bread with their bottle of wine. Consequently, we each downed at least a loaf dipped and topped with the various dips and toppings. Luckily, I brought a watermelon. After all the cheeses and crab dip and scallops and vegs, we plowed through it like a herd of dehydrated water buffalo (you can imagine how thirsty water buffalo get when dehydrated).

Ok, I admit it. The pictures are crap and this blog is hardly au courant. But what can I say, at least I'm here. It's summer. I am done with school, so you can expect more contemporaneous blogging. At least that is my hope.

I know you are waiting with bated breath to find out the next women's night's food region/theme. Below is a clue (No, this is not a picture of Women's Night 2 participants).


Anonymous said...

Sorry i missed it, but love reading about it here on your cute as hell blog. Go, Maria!!!

Love, marlene

Zoe said...

I love it! Russian! I'm so glad you've gotten back to the blog. I love to hear your voice.

Maria said...

Thanks for coming to my blog. Don't expect to see anything regularly. I wish I was a better blogger like my friend Zoe,my blog muse.